5 Fascinating Facts About Cat Whiskers

What do cats use whiskers for? If you’ve ever wondered about that, we’ve got five facts about feline whiskers. Cat whiskers: you might think that…

After 11 Long Years, a Cat That Was Presumed Dead Returns Home

If a pet story can be considered a real life miracle, it’s the one about Toby, a family cat that - it would seem - lived a life of great adventure.

Famous Fat Cat Who Inspired Meme Honored With Statue

Made famous by a meme, Istanbul's iconic fat cat, Tombili, was forever memorialized in a statue, on the very sidewalk where she liked to chill out.

The Basics About Cleft Palate in Cats

Cats can be born with cleft palates. But even with this birth defect, cats with cleft palates can live happy, normal lives.

Best Dental Treats for Cats

With thousands of happy pawrents and their pampered kitties vouching for these dental treats, yours is just to pick one with your pet's fave flavor.

Win a Trip to Washington With Your Cat on National Cat Day

Mars Petcare wants to celebrate your cat this National Cat Day, and are sponsoring a contest that could put you and your kitty in Washington, D.C.!

Does Your Cat Groom You?

Cats are hardwired to keep themselves clean - that's why constantly grooming. But does your cat take an interest in your personal hygiene?

Petlinks Meowy Catmas Photo Contest

Deck the halls with jolly, captivating cat toys! Enter to win one of three Petlinks Cat-themed Gift Baskets for your fa-la-la-la feline!

How To Hire The Right Cat Sitter For Your Frisky Feline

Hiring a cat sitter can be a daunting process because there are a lot of people out there who are willing to pet sit but not all of them are qualified.

Best Cat Trees

A feline needs a tree to call her own - and it needs to be inside your house. That's why we've put together this list of the best cat trees.�

Man Fakes Death, Cat Overcome by Mehs [Videos]

Most cats seem to have no f#$%s to give when it comes to emotion for their humans. But one man set out to prove that his death wouldn't bother his cat.

Must-Have Products That Make It Easier to Travel With Your Cat

Bringing your cat along with you on vacation? Make life easier with must-have products that will ensure your kitty's vacation goes smoothly.

Basepaws Breed + Health DNA Test For Cats: What Every Cat Parent Needs

Want to know more about your feline friend’s genetic and gut health? Of course you do! And right now, you can save $30 at Basepaws (with the code PETGU…

Best Electronic Cat Toys

Too busy to play with your cat? Not to worry - these electronic cat toys keep your feline happy and entertain while you're not around.�

Top 10 Clever Cat Costumes

While it may be difficult to convince your kitty to get into one of these getups, you'll reap the rewards once they strut their stuff on Halloween.

Our Picks of the Best Heated Cat Beds

Is your kitty looking for a warm, comfy place to curl up? You're in luck - we've rounded up our picks of the best heated cat beds.�

Pussy Princess Celebrates Birthday With Cat Quinceanera

Why weren't we invited? A fabulous cat had an extravagant quinceanera to celebrate her 15th birthday, and the festivities have gone viral!

Best Cat Hammocks

Just lounging around - it's a cat's life! If you're looking for the perfect place for your cat to lounge, we've sourced some of the best cat hammocks.�

Top 10 Fantastic Etsy Finds for Your Feline

Purring in delight isn't just for cats. These feline finds will delight even the pickiest puss and will definitely make it onto your most wanted list.

Frozen Cat Revived and Lucky To Live Eight Remaining Lives

A very lucky kitty has turned in one of its nine lives after being frozen, rescued and brought back to life and warmth thanks to the care of an animal hospit…

Cats on Laps Shelter Animals Bring Senior Citizens Special Love

An animal shelter in Bangor, Maine is using adoptable cats to bring lots of furry love to seniors who aren't able to have pets of their own.

Just What The Doctor Ordered: The Health Benefits Of Cats

Take two kitties and call me in the morning - it's just what the doctor ordered! Here are just of few of the health benefits of cats - bring one home.

Top 10 Essential Books for New Cat Owners

If you're a first-time cat parent, you may be overwhelmed with all the things you need to know. These books are great resources for new cat owners.

Persian Puss’s Amazing Transformation Will Make You Smile [Video]

Move over, Grumpy Cat! There's a new sour-looking puss in town... and his unbelievable transformation will make your heart happy!

Cat Tail Injuries: What You Need To Know

A cat's tail acts as an important appendage to her everyday life. That's why you need to know about cat tail injuries and how to tell if your kitty is hurt.

Top 10 Fruits Cats Can Eat

Are there any fruits that cats can safely eat? Yes, there is, but it's always best to feed these treats in moderation.

Door Darting: How to Stop Your Cat From Getting Out

Do you have a cat who loves to sneak up and run out the door when you open it? This can be stressful because you don’t want your kitty to rush out and get lost or hurt.

Kitten Album Covers Proves That Cats Rock!

Cats want to rock all night, and meow the rest of the day! We are raising our paws in the air like we just don't care for this kitten album cover art.

Banned Library Cat Has New Gig as Part Of Literacy Movement

Remember Max the Library Cat, who wasn't welcome at the Macalester College Library? He's now become a campus celebrity welcomed with open arms!

An AI App Helps Vets Diagnose Cats By Detecting Their Pain Levels

An Alberta-based company is developing an app that could change the way we see cats and their emotions. The innovative AI app is named Tably, and it aims to help vet clinics assess a cat’s pain more easily.

Ready to Foster Cats? Here’s Some Advice From a Pro

If you're ready to take the plunge and become a foster kitty mom, these amazing tips from a seasoned pro will help you out.

Costumed Kitties Pay Homage to Taylor Swift and Sparks Fly!

Meet Fan Girl Jessica, who dresses her cat up to match Taylor Swift in honor of her new album, "Reputation," being released in November!

How to Help a Semi-Feral Cat Get Used to Life Indoors

Stray cats aren't an uncommon sight. If you're thinking about asking one to move in, here are some tips on how to help make the transition easier.

Ask the Animal Communicator: My Cat Is Always Hiding From My Friends

The feline mystique is real. As any true cat lover knows, it is impossible to make a cat do anything a cat doesn’t want to do. And sometimes this can make for truly awkward interspecies family situations.

Best Cat Carriers

Want to bring your cat along with you on your travels? Pick up one of our choices from our best cat carriers list.�

Best Diabetic Cat Food

Diabetic cat food is formulated specially to suit the needs of felines with diabetes, which means it's high in protein and low in carbohydrate content.

Trained Cats Advance To Live Round Of America’s Got Talent [Video]

A clowder of show-biz kitties took America by storm again as they blew the judges of America’s Got Talent away with their cat-astic tricks! The mother/…

What Is Feline Group Scent?

Your kitty's nose knows... especially when there are other cats around. If you've got more than one cat, you'll want to know all about feline group scent.

Panty-Stealing Pussy Prompts Hilarious Apology Letter

What do you do when a real-life cat burglar roams your 'hood? For a woman from Cardiff, England, you write hilarious apology letters and beg forgiveness!

New Research Suggests Training Your Cat Can Help Eliminate His Anxiety

Forget what the haters say. New research suggests that you train cats of all ages, and it's a great way to lower your kitty's anxiety.

10 Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Decisions

There are two types of cats: the couldn't-care-less kind and the adventurous goofball. For your entertainment, here are some belonging to the latter.

New Jersey Wants to Make Declawing Illegal

The horrible practice has been deemed as an act of animal cruelty by countless animal welfare organizations, and New Jersey is taking heed.

9 Scratch-Free Tips On How To Bathe A Cat

Even cats need a bath. How do you keep your arms intact while undertaking this perilous activity? Here's how to bathe a cat and remain relatively unscathed.

How to Keep Your Cat Safe When Traveling by Car

Have cat, will travel. It’s a lot easier to travel with your cat by car. Make sure the journey is a safe one with these cat-friendly car tips. Are you…

What Is Feline Whisker Fatigue?

Who knew that whiskers could get so tired? It's true, and whisker fatigue could be causing your cat some serious stress around mealtimes.

HABRI Grant Helps Study Impact of Shelter Cat Adoption by Kids With Au

HABRI awards a grant to the University of Missouri that will look at the effects of shelter cat adoptions in families that have children with autism.

‘Feline Five’ Study Reveals Cats Have Personality Types

A team of researchers from Australia conducted a study on feline behavior and managed to determine five types of personalities. Find out what they are!

Hilarious Cat Adoption Profiles Will Make You Do A Spit Take!

A man who sneaks funny signs into the real world embarked upon a clandestine mission: to write new profiles for adoptable cats at a California shelter.

Best Wall Perches for Cats

You’ve heard of window perches for cats, but have you thought about wall perches? These will mount securely to a wall in your home, giving your furry friend another place to call her own.

Best Cat Strollers

Feel like taking your cat out for a walk, but a leash is out of the question? We've got the solution -- check out our choices for the best cat strollers.

6 Valuable Tips for New Cat Owners

Before your kitty comes home, you'll want to be prepared. Here's what new cat owners should have ready for their furry family addition.

How To Discipline A Cat (Without Losing Your Mind!)

We know it's hard to believe, but cats can misbehave on occasion (What?!). It's true - here's how to discipline a cat and help you break bad kitty habits.

Top 10 Meowy Catmas Gifts for Cats and Feline Fans

Feline Navidad! Got a kitty or a cat person on your holiday shopping list? Wrap up one of these meowy catmas gifts for cats and the people who love them.

Are You Petting Your Cat Wrong?

If you've ever shared your life with a cat, you know there are right and wrong ways to pet your cat. And you have the scratch marks to prove it!

Video of Blind Cat Hugging Phone While Music Plays Hits All the Right

A blind cat appreciating beautiful music in a way that most humans do not is about the sweetest thing you'll see and hear today, we guarantee.

Twitter Kitty Sensation Not Least Bit Shocked She’s a Star

There's a new Twitter sensation, and the look on the rescue cat's face tells a thousand stories...or just one shocked one!

Unexpected Things That Helped Me Cope With Loss of My 17-Year-Old Cat

The grief of losing a pet can feel overwhelming at first, but little by little, gratitude for the time we shared starts filling the painful void they’ve left behind.

The Claws Are Out as England Battles Russia for "World's Best Cat"

Not since the days of Vader and Luke has such rivalry been seen! At the LondonCats show, two top national kitty contenders battled for the title of “World’s…

5 Cat Hacks to Understand and Treat Cat Hairballs

The sound, the aftermath, the cleanup - cat hairballs are not fun. To minimize the mess, we've put together a few cat hacks that'll help.

Strike a Yoga Pose and Help Shelter Cats Find New Homes

The yoga-classic 'cat pose' is taking on a whole new meaning. As well as stretching, this free yoga class is helping find shelter cats furever homes.